Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Lost Report

During my junior year of college, I took a technical writing class as an elective that kicked my butt. Unbeknownst to me when I registered, this "just for fun" class of mine was a requirement for the engineering and construction management students at Central Michigan (Go Chips!). The class itself wasn't full of technical jargon that I couldn't grasp, it was a general writing class that focused on the technical structures that we would likely encounter in the workplace. I won't tell you how many times I've put the skills I picked up in that class to use (*cough* not once *cough*)...

Despite the overtime I put in to pull a passing grade in that class, I walked away with a piece that I was really quite proud of. It was the typical "major assignment" that our passing or failing of the class depended on and I naturally stressed out to the point of almost losing my hair. But what I turned in was something far beyond my expectations and I was so proud when I found out that I had gotten an A because I knew I earned every bit of that grade. My professor even emailed me after the semester was over and asked for permission to submit my paper in a departmental competition - it didn't win, but I was flabbergasted that she thought it was good enough to submit at all.

You would think that I would treat something I had worked so hard on with a little bit more care, but shuffling between computers over the years caused me to lose the original file and I was afraid my one shining moment of academic glory was lost forever. Wrong! Just tonight while I was revisiting my old email on CMU's portal (something I obviously haven't done in quite some time), I stumbled across a quick note I had sent to this professor with my final paper attached to it. I almost cried with joy!

So, without further ado, I share with you, "Traditional Journalism Curricula and the Changing Face of the Field: An Analysis". Twenty pages of pure awesomeness, rediscovered. Read through it, share your thoughts...or don't. But at least celebrate with me a little, okay? Yeah!

Traditional Journalism Curricula and the Changing Face of the Field: An Analysis


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