Thursday, November 17, 2011

False Threats

Every day someone in my news feed threatens to delete their Facebook account. Every. Single. Day. The excuses given range from too much drama to too many changes, and most recently because of the spam attack causing offensive images to show up in people’s news feeds.

Normally I don’t pay attention to the daily complaints that show up in my feed - time is too precious to me to waste on pointless negativity. For some reason, however, these threats I’ve been seeing really bug me. Why? Because it’s a lie - these people are posting false threats and it’s annoying.

Whatever reason they (or you, for that you matter) have for contemplating giving up the drug known as Facebook may be valid, but if you take the time and effort to put together a semi-coherent status about wanting to quit the site, you’re not actually going to follow through. If you really wanted to do it, you would have pulled the trigger and done it - no melodramatic update needed.

You want to know why you’re not going to quit cold turkey? Because you’re addicted. You are a Facebook addict. It’s okay, so am I. Welcome to the support group.

The fact of the matter is, these excuses people keep coming up with to quit are just that, excuses. And they’re lame ones at that. If there’s too much drama, block those people from your profile/news feed. If it’s because there is spam in your news feed - seriously? There is spam in your inbox too, are you going to quit using email? Of course not. It happens, change your security settings and/or report the problem and move on. And the best excuse yet: there are just too many changes. Are you kidding me? If Facebook didn’t go through changes and evolve, it would still be a website exclusively for students at Harvard. For social media to effectively meet the constantly changing wants and needs of its consumers (that’s you), it has to grow and change. Change is good, sometimes overwhelming, but good. Embrace it and enjoy!

On the other hand, if you have gotten to a point where you feel like you are spending too much of your time on Facebook and it’s hurting your life outside of the virtual realm, then I of course agree it’s time to start cutting the cord and weaning yourself off of the Facebook IV. It is possible to consume too much of a good thing.

So, my friends, the point of this horribly drawn out blog is to call out all of you Facebook users that make your false threats of quitting the site by posting to your Facebook profile. If you mean it, do it. Otherwise, stop using up valuable space in everyone’s news feeds when it could instead be filled with photos of impossibly cute kittens (or something like that…).

Oh! One last thing. Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop posting five-paragraph statuses about Facebook charging to use the site. They are not going to start charging; and even if they were to start charging, copy and pasting someone else’s status about it to “pass the message along”, hitting the ESC key and clicking your heels together five times while anxiously awaiting some random icon to turn a different color (or whatever the formula in these conspiracy theories is) is not going to prevent them from asking for your credit card information the next time you log in.

Let’s use some common sense here folks. If Facebook ever were to start charging to use the site (which, again, they won’t), you would have to willingly provide your credit card information to them, in which case you could decline and stop using the site. You would not be exempt from this new fee because your icon in now green.

That is all. Please feel free to proceed to your news feed. Or don’t - whichever you choose.


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